Tuesday 31 March 2015

WWII Estonian Refugee Book Now Reissued and Translated into English

Mis teha – siin ta on (Refugee: Refugee Life in Pictures) is a story of a refugee from Estonia in the mid 1940s. The book, written by Arnold Sepp and Endel Kõks was published in a refugee camp in Augsburg, Germany in 1947. The book was recently reissued and translated into English.

The reissue of Mis teha – siin ta on is published by Eesti Diasporaa Akadeemia (Estonian Diaspora Academy), a non-profit organization founded in December 2013 by Maarja Merivoo-Parro, Sander Jürisson and Aivar Jürgenson, and the book can be purchased at the Occupations Museum in Tallinn, and Apollo and Rahva Raamat bookstores in Estonia.  Readers abroad with questions about the book may contact  sander.jyrisson@gmail.com  or maarjamerivooparro@gmail.com.

To read more , please click here: http://upnorth.eu/estonian-world-war-ii-refugee-story/